Sabtu, 03 Februari 2018

Describing trends

You will need to describe trends, compare and contrast data or report statistical information. Occasionally you will need to describe a process (which we will explain in another section).
In order to do well in this section, you need to know specific vocabulary related to describing trends.
Verbs to describe an upward trend
The following verbs can be used to describe a trend or pattern that goes up.
  • climb (past: climbed)
  • go up (past: went up)
  • grow (past: grew)
  • increase (past: increased)
  • jump (past: jumped)
  • rise (past: rose)
  • rocket (past: rocketed)
Sentence examples using words that show an upward trend:
  • The number of enrolments increased significantly between 2005 and 2010.
  • Production rose from 800 units in May to 1000 units the following month.
Verbs to describe a downward trend
The following verbs can be used to describe a trend or pattern that goes down.
  • decline (past: declined)
  • decrease (past: decreased)
  • drop (past: dropped)
  • fall (past: fell)
  • go down (past: went down)
  • plummet (past: plummeted) = to fall or drop suddenly in amount or value
  • plunge (past: plunged) = to fall or drop suddenly in amount or value
Plunge and Plummet, when describing trends, have the same meaning.
Sentence examples using words that show a downward trend:
  • Prices of Model X dropped significantly once Model Y became available on the market.
  • Company profits decreased in 2013 by 15%.
Words and phrases used to describe a stable trend
To describe a more or less stable pattern, you can use the following expressions:
  • maintain (past: maintained)
  • remain (past: remained)
  • stay (past: stayed)
  • constant
  • stable
  • steady
  • unchanged
Adverbs used when describing trends
Adverbs describe HOW something happens. They usually come after a verb.
  • sharply, rapidly, quickly, steeply
  • considerably, significantly, substantially
  • steadily, gradually, moderately
  • slightly, slowly

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