Senin, 25 Desember 2017


Currently English is very important for all majors especially majoring in accounting. English is an international language where all citizen of the world communicate using English. Accounting is closely related to the English language to convey the result of financial statements to the authorities. Even the English language is used for the language of business because now many investors from abroad use English as a communication tool.
            Accounting is one of the majors that exist in a college that one of the accounting material is to process, create, report, prepare a financial report. In the financial statements there are so many account s and not infrequently we as students find accounts in English.
            English relationship with accounting majors is when we are faced with an account that is in the financial statements of a company then that’s where we sometimes find an account that uses the English example such as, debit, credit, capital, supplies, product, cost, goodwill and others. And related words in accounting such as term bonds, serial bonds, available for sale, trading, held to maturity, treasury bonds, bonds outstanding method, organization cost, internally generated, franchises, franchise fee revenue, cash flow and others.
            With we can find out the meaning of an account that speak English then it is easier for us to know or do work that is in live, English also often used as language which in use in banking finance report which publish to publish with we can master the English language then we can that the contents of these financial statements. It has become a must a student can master the English language, English is the main provision when we begin to enter into the world of work. When we have entered the world of work an accountant will find a foreign company that sometimes a boss is a foreigner and requires us to communicate in a foreign language.
            With someone can master the language of English then the easier one is to work on a job or financial statement of a company in which there are many accounts in English. We need to know the accounts that speak English contained in a financial report is very different from the meaning contained in the meaning of an account because the accounting will that speak English it has as different meaning if interpreted in the English dictionary.
            Actually, not only the English language accounting department is in need, in other majors, English is very in need once to support continuity in the process of teaching and learning in the classroom. Can master the English language is also very useful in everyday life, when we are in a supermarket there a lot of eating and drink using the English language not only the name of the product but also the composition written on the back of the product packaging using the language English.
            Currently, many of us often find accounting books in the bookstores are the title of his book using the English example such as Intermediate Accounting, Law Accounting and others. In the stock market too often we find words that speak English such as Technical Analysis, Trading, Investment Strategy, Investment Approach and others. 

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